Rune stone U642, L1943:7977, Husby-Sjutolft 88:2 in Enköping, Uppsala
Photo of Rune stone U642, L1943:7977
Photo of Rune stone U642, L1943:7977
Rune inscription
Below is the English translation of this rune inscription according to The Scandinavian Runic-text Database:

Heðingeirr and Bjôrn raised (this) in memory of Gildi(?), their father.

Show original interpretation and rune text

hiþinka... auk × biorn × raistu × eftir × kil... ...þur sint

hiþinka... auk × biorn × raistu × eftir × kil... ...þur sint

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Geographic location of this rune inscription
The rune inscription is located in Husby-Sjutolft parish in the Enköpings municipality (Uppsala county).
The GPS position may not be entirely exact. It can differ up to a few tens of meters.
Facts about this rune inscription
Description Content
Latitude: 59.651378
Longitude: 17.37697
Remnant ID: L1943:7977
Swedish National Heritage Board ID: Husby-Sjutolft 88:2
Swedish rune inscription ID: U642 (Upplands runinskrifter)
Object: Rune stone
Material: Granite
Rune carver: Fot 2 (A), troligen inte Fot själv.
Antiquarian assessment: Ancient monument
Current status: Confirmed on location
Damage status: Damage
County: Uppsala
Municipality: Enköping
Parish: Husby-Sjutolft
Swedish National Heritage Board information: » L1943:7977