Rock carving, L1990:3701, Simrishamn 16:1 in Simrishamn, Skåne
Photo of Rock carving, L1990:3701
Photo of Rock carving, L1990:3701
Geographic location of this rune inscription
The rune inscription is located in Simrishamn parish in the Simrishamns municipality (Skåne county).
The GPS position may not be entirely exact. It can differ up to a few tens of meters.
Facts about this rune inscription
Description Content
Latitude: 55.536817
Longitude: 14.355068
Remnant ID: L1990:3701
Swedish National Heritage Board ID: Simrishamn 16:1
Swedish rune inscription ID: (Blekinge, Halland & Skånes runinskrifter)
Object: Rock carving
Rune carver:
Antiquarian assessment: Ancient monument
Current status: Confirmed on location
Damage status: Unknown
County: Skåne
Municipality: Simrishamn
Parish: Simrishamn
Swedish National Heritage Board information: » L1990:3701