Rock carving, L1983:4047, Trosa-Vagnhärad 435:1 in Trosa, Södermanland
Photo of Rock carving, L1983:4047
Photo of Rock carving, L1983:4047
Geographic location of this rune inscription
The rune inscription is located in Trosa-Vagnhärad parish in the Trosa municipality (Södermanland county).
The GPS position may not be entirely exact. It can differ up to a few tens of meters.
Facts about this rune inscription
Description Content
Latitude: 58.955697
Longitude: 17.43648
Remnant ID: L1983:4047
Swedish National Heritage Board ID: Trosa-Vagnhärad 435:1
Swedish rune inscription ID:
Object: Rock carving
Rune carver:
Antiquarian assessment: Ancient monument
Current status: Confirmed on location
Damage status: Undamaged
County: Södermanland
Municipality: Trosa
Parish: Trosa-Vagnhärad
Swedish National Heritage Board information: » L1983:4047