Rune stone Sö159, L1984:3473 in Runtuna parish
Rune inscription
Below is the English translation of this rune inscription.
"Ingjaldr and Ôlvir raised this stone in memory of Þorbjôrn, their father. He has been long in the west. Hrœríkr(?), Guðmundr(?), . Gunnleifr cut the runes."
Geographic location of this rune stone
The rune stone is located in Runtuna parish in the Nyköping municipality (Södermanland county). This is in southern Sweden.
Facts about this rune stone
Description Content
Object: Rune stone
Remnant ID: L1984:3473
Swedish National Heritage Board ID: Runtuna 18:1
Swedish rune inscription ID:
Trade mark: Sö 159 $
Material type: Stone
Material: Granite
Runemaster: Gunnlev 1 (S) (och Rörik (S) och Gudmund (S) enligt äldre läsning)
Current status: Confirmed on location
Damage status: Unknown
Latitude: 58.867534
Longitude: 17.041134
County: Södermanland
Municipality: Nyköping
Parish: Runtuna
Location: Österberga
Swedish National Heritage Board information: