Rock carving L1944:2435 in Boglösa parish
Also known as 'Rickebyhällarna, övre'
Geographic location of this rock carving
The rock carving is located in Boglösa parish in the Enköping municipality (Uppsala county). This is in southern Sweden.
Facts about this rock carving
Description Content
Object: Rock carving
Remnant ID: L1944:2435
Swedish National Heritage Board ID: Boglösa 73:1
Swedish rune inscription ID:
Trade mark:
Name: Rickebyhällarna, övre
Material type:
Current status: Confirmed on location
Damage status: Not damaged
Latitude: 59.611
Longitude: 17.141978
County: Uppsala
Municipality: Enköping
Parish: Boglösa
Swedish National Heritage Board information: